10 Best Heart Shaped Foliage Plants
What better way to say “I Love You” than gifting that special someone with a living, breathing token of your love – a heart shaped foliage plant! This list of gorgeous plants are sure to take your breath away (and theirs too) on that special day. Plus they last much longer than a card of a scrumptious box of chocolates, reminding them of you every time they gaze upon it.
Here are the top 10 plants with heart shaped foliage
- Cercis ‘Forest Pansy’
- Philodendron
- Monstera deliciosa ‘Swiss Cheese Plant’
- Alocasia ‘Elephant Ear’
- Syngonium
- Hemionitis ‘Heart Fern’
- Anthurium
- Ceropegia Chain of Hearts
- Cyclamen
- Brunnera
1. Forest Pansy
An absolute favourite amongst the staff, this wonderfully versatile tree’s foliage is in the shape of large hearts. In the summer they are a deep velvety green or rich velvety purple, and in the autumn they change into vibrant yellows, oranges, reds and purples. Other varieties of Cercis also have these wonderful heart shaped leaves
2. Philodendron
There are 100s of varieties of Philodendron with only some boasting a beautiful heart shape leaf. Varieties in the genus cordatum or scandens have a heart shaped leaf, best suited for indoors unless you live in a wonderfully hot and humid climate.
3. Monstera deliciosa
These beastly beautiful indoor plants are a common indoor favourite. In Melbourne they are mostly grown indoors but can be grown in an outdoor patio or semi sheltered position in the garden, provided you don’t get frost or bitter cold! Their young leaves start off in a heart shape and gradually form leaf fenestrations (natural holes in the leaves). Another similar variety is the Rhaphidophorra tetrasperma or ‘Mini Monstera’, which grows in much the same way except mini! The other hearty and a little more dainty Monstera is the Silver Monstera, with elongated heart shaped leaves splashed with silver.
4. Alocasia ‘Elephant Ear’
Nothing compares to the enormous Elephant shaped foliage like that of an Alocasia. A truly stunning plant variety, typically with enormous elephant shaped leaves that look awfully similar to a heart! These delicate yet awe-inspiring plants require a moist but well drained soil and protection from the intense heat and intense cold.
5. Syngonium
Similar to the Alocasia in that their leaves are elongated hearts or similar to an Elephant’s ear (except much smaller!), these wonderful indoor plants come in a variety of shapes and colours and love an indoor position. Perfect on a desk or shelf, for that special someone in your life.
6. Hemionitis Heart Fern
As the name states this hardy little fern produces robust, heart shaped leaves en masse, creating a dense matt of hearts! It is perfect for an indoor pot in a well lit position or for an outdoor fern garden (sheltered of course).
7. Anthurium
Heart shaped leaves AND flowers, Anthurium are a double whammy winner in this category! Available in both red and white they are a perfect way to say “I love you” to a certain someone in your life.
8. Ceropegia ‘Chain of Hearts’
Long, trailing stings of little, itty bitty hearts are the hallmark signature of the Chain of Hearts succulent. Most popular for those who adore succulents, hanging basket plants or both, it is a truly remarkable and easy to grow plant. Grown in a very well lit position indoors or outdoors, they can thrive on neglect providing they get rain (or a water) ever once in awhile.
9. Cyclamen
Commonly given to Mum on Mothers Day, this wonderful little plant produces tall, colourful flowers of pinks, purples, reds and white above silver veined, heart-shaped leaves. They’re quite compact and can be grown indoors and outdoors.
10. Brunnera
An absolutely magnificent outdoor plant, Brunnera are grown as a clumping groundcover in semi shaded gardens. They cover the ground with large, soft silver and green heart shaped leaves and are a feature in their own.
Honorable Mention
Although we have listed our top 10 heart shaped foliage plants, the following do need an honourable mention as they produce some wonderfully heart shaped foliage (just not as good as the other ten!)
Hoya kerrii
A gorgeous little indoor plant with trailing heart shaped foliage. It is an adorable little indoor cutie and relatively easy to grow.
Sweet Violet or Native Violet
Not strictly heart shaped, particularly the new growth. However, when the leaves mature, they become a gorgeous mat of heart shaped foliage! There are also purple varieties of violet.
Morning Glory
This, by no means, should be deliberately planted unless you really, really hate your garden or looooove to constantly maintain a vigorous vine. This noxious weed can be spied all over Melbourne and Victoria, often boasting white or vibrant blue flowers on a twining vine. The leaves are heart shaped but don’t let it fool you! It is so invasive, it gets bloody everywhere!