
Rose ‘Bloomfield Courage’ 6ft Weeper


Bloomfield Courage Rose

Bloomfield Courage roses have?clusters of small, single dark red blooms with pale centers and only mild fragrance.

Producing a massed display in Spring which are easy to grow, with a few thorns. Can be clipped to create a big rounded clump which is smothered in blooms.

13″ pot size, approximately 6ft in height.

Available online ONLY – Not in store.

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SKU: BLCOURN62 Category: Tag:

Roses are easily one of the most popular and widely cultivated groups of flowering plants. Numerous different cultivars have been produced over the last two centuries although roses have been grown for millennia before their popularity bloomed. Renown for their flowers and beauty they are also loved for other reasons such as their fruit, the rose hip which can be made into an old fashioned jam or for garden uses such as ground covers and hedging.

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