Callistemon ‘Willow Bottlebrush’ (White)
$10.99 – $204.99
Callistemon salignus ‘Willow Bottlebrush’ (White flower)
Callistemon Willow Bottlebrush is larger than most Callistemon, it produces small creamy-yellow bottlebrush flowers in late winter, followed by vibrant pink new growth in spring.
It tolerates waterlogged and compacted soils and produces an aesthetic weeping form when mature. It also responds readily to pruning as needed. This plant attracts birds.
Categories: Coastal, Evergreen Trees, Flowering Trees, Large Native Hedge (1m plus), Medium Native Shrub (1m+), Medium Native Tree (4m - 10m), Medium Trees (4m - 10m), Native
Tags: Bottle brush, Coastal, Coastal Gardens