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Acmena smithii

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Acmena smithii
6” pots 4.90 ea.
BoxOz� Lonicera 

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Grow 4 metres of BoxOz� Lonicera hedge or border for $39.90.
Box of 20�3"pots of BoxOz� Lonicera $39.90
. 3"pots $2.50 each or 5 for $11.50 BoxOz� Lonicera fast hedge and topiary
Silver Stirling™ Pittosporum
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The Perfect hedge in just 12 months
7" pots Silver Stirling™ Pittosporum $11.90, 10" pots $29.90 each or 4 for $99.90
Lambs Meadow� Sutera
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The Meadow Lawn Landscape. Grow 6 sq. metres of  Meadow Lawn for $39.90
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Powton� Sapphire Dragon
A shade faster than your average shade tree Only $14.50

One of Melbourne’s most popular low hedges and borders

eng2.jpg (26329 bytes) English Box is Melbourne’s most popular low hedge or border. English Box has dense dark green foliage. When trimmed into a hedge or topiary they have a clearly defined shape. English Box hedges and topiary create a truly traditional formal style garden. eng4.jpg (20140 bytes)The advantages of English Box hedge and border is that it only requires one or two trimmings per year. It needs very little water and it grows in almost any soil except for a very heavy or poorly drained soils. English Box grows in full sun through to the very deepest shade.

  In fact English Box will grow with no direct sunlight. English Box is the best of the low borders when you have a border that is partly in full sun and partly in deep shade.

Perfect English Box borders and hedges,
we recommend a spacing of 5 plants per metre

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English Box hedge
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English Box hedge
along pathway
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English Box with Iceberg Roses
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English Box hedge
with climber

Chris and Marie’s Plant Farms mass produce English Box and sell it at the cheapest price in Melbourne

  The secret to making perfect English Box borders and hedges is to space your English Box closely. Often people plant their English Box too far apart and they eng9.jpg (18582 bytes)take forever to fill in. English Box tend to shoot upward instead of outward when they are younger. If English Box is spaced too far apart there will be upside down U shaped gaps at the bottom of the hedge. One old English gardening book said to plant English Box 1 inch apart. At Chris & Marie’s Plant Farms we have found over the years that planting English Box at the rate of 5 per metre will create a dense bushy border in just a few years without making it unnecessarily expensive to establish a border.eng3.jpg (15317 bytes)

  We recommend a spacing of 5 plants per metre. The advantage of planting this close is although it can take a year or two for your English Box border to fully form you get a nice green tiny border immediately by planting 5 plants per metre. At Chris and Marie�s Plant Farms we mass produce English Box and sell it at the cheapest price in Melbourne. With 4� tall plants in 3� pots $3.00 each or 4 for $11.00. 20 � 3� pots only $49.90 enough to make 4 metres of English Box border.

eng1.jpg (17281 bytes)  In two years the 3” pot size will form a 12”-16” tall English Box Border. To get the best growth from your English Box test your pH and if it is below 6.5 use plenty of ground agricultural limestone. This is particularly important if English Box is planted in a commercial potting mix. Then top dress regularly with dynamic lifter or Devotion™ Time Release Fertiliser. Water well in summer and keep the base of your hedge free of grass and weeds.