Hello Hello on The Block!
Hello Hello helps out Rachel and Ryan on house 2 on The Block. The company that established the vineyard on lot 2 ordered some colourful perennials to interplant with the grape vines. Chris decided to deliver them himself so he could have a sneak preview of The Block.
As Chris unloaded he met up with the landscaper Matt from Harvey Landscape and Design who were doing the gardens in lot 2. Matt explained they had massive areas of gardens to fill on a very tight budget. Chris explained that he had lots of Bulk Plant Deals and oversized, cheap plants.
Matt was so excited, he followed Chris back to his 3 acre nursery in Campbellfield, 45 mins from Gibson, where he and Chris went through the nursery, selecting the biggest and best value for money plans.
6am the next morning, Chris was onsite with a big truckload of economy priced advanced plants. Later that same week, Hello Hello sent another van-load of plants that Matt had selected for planting in the area between the courtyard and the house.
House 2 has the best planted garden with the least spent on plants thanks to Hello Hello and we wish Rachel and Ryan all the best in the competition!
So no matter how big or small your project is, Hello Hello is set up to help.
With Free garden design, free delivery*, bulk deals and our Free advanced bonus plants for large orders. As well as 3 acres stacked full of amazing plants and bargains in Campbellfield!