New year new me. You’ve heard that a million times before. As people start to get on exercise bicycles and reattempt crash diets, we wanted...
It may not seem like it with Melbourne’s temperamental weather, but summer is looming closer and closer every day. Which means the time of garden...
We are writing this article to help people identify and easily fix some of the issues they may be having when coming up with a...
Hello Hello! Today we’re going to be talking about how spectacular Olive Trees are. If you’ve been considering getting one, then this article is perfect...
Hello, Hello! In this article I'm going to be talking about the optimum time for planting your garden. Now just to make this article real...
Hello, hello! In this article I’d like to talk about how you could actually do a great job of designing your own garden, whether you're...
Hello Hello helps out Rachel and Ryan on house 2 on The Block. The company that established the vineyard on lot 2 ordered some colourful...
Have you had a Garden Design done at our nursery within the past 5 years? We are looking for great success stories of empty gardens...
When it comes to creating a colour scheme for your garden, you can have such an overwhelming choice! But if you want something that is...
Product Categories
- Garden Styles58355835 products
- Modern319319 products
- Modern Minimal1919 products
- Modern Fusion2828 products
- Modern Grass2525 products
- Modern Green & White3838 products
- Modern Layered1818 products
- Modern Native2323 products
- Modern Sculptural3131 products
- Modern with a touch of colour2121 products
- Low Maintenance11511151 products
- Lush & Leafy506506 products
- Native11141114 products
- Indoor413413 products
- Edible Garden732732 products
- Cottage23252325 products
- Balcony228228 products
- Courtyard506506 products
- Japanese507507 products
- Formal502502 products
- Hampton Garden233233 products
- Tropical578578 products
- Coastal15041504 products
- Extreme Coastal261261 products
- Woodland754754 products
- Dry-Riverbed377377 products
- Rock Garden608608 products
- Rose Garden630630 products
- Poolside367367 products
- Mediterranean313313 products
- Pot & Containers23072307 products
- Modern319319 products
- Plant Types79357935 products
- Borders & Edging14061406 products
- Foliage Borders & Edging208208 products
- Box Borders & Edging1616 products
- Flowering Borders & Edging11631163 products
- Strappy Borders & Edging126126 products
- Bushes & Shrubs940940 products
- Large Shrubs (1.5m plus)489489 products
- Medium Shrubs (50cm - 1.5m)282282 products
- Small Shrubs (up to 50cm)146146 products
- Climbers & Groundcovers629629 products
- Climbers184184 products
- Deciduous Climbers1616 products
- Evergreen Climbers105105 products
- Flowering Climbers133133 products
- Non-flowering Climbers1919 products
- Groundcovers473473 products
- Carpeting Groundcovers2121 products
- Non-flowering Groundcovers99 products
- Flowering Groundcovers110110 products
- Climbers184184 products
- Conifers & Pines116116 products
- Compact & Dwarf Conifers & Pines3030 products
- Hedging Conifers & Pines1919 products
- Large Conifer & Pine Trees (5m +)3333 products
- Pencil Pines88 products
- Small Feature Conifer & Pine Trees (Up to 5m)3636 products
- Spreading & Groundcover Conifers & Pines1616 products
- Cottage Perennials & Annuals19461946 products
- Annuals & Potted Colour253253 products
- Flowering Cottage Perennials10711071 products
- Agapanthus3939 products
- Alstroemeria Peruvian Lily4040 products
- Argyranthemum Marguerite Daisy3838 products
- Buddleja2121 products
- Canna Lily1212 products
- Chrysanthemum77 products
- Dahlia2222 products
- Dianthus Carnations & Pinks3939 products
- Echinacea Coneflower2121 products
- Fuchsia2424 products
- Gaura Butterfly Bush1616 products
- Gazania2020 products
- Geranium3030 products
- Hellebores2020 products
- Hydrangea5151 products
- Lavender3737 products
- Osteospermum African Daisy4848 products
- Paeonia Peony2828 products
- Penstemon1616 products
- Salvia Sage8181 products
- Verbena2828 products
- Foliage Cottage Perennials357357 products
- Hanging Baskets157157 products
- Perennials for Pots & Planters392392 products
- Strappy Cottage Perennial122122 products
- Bulbs11 product
- Fruits, Vegetables & Herbs756756 products
- Berries & Currants6767 products
- Fruit Trees257257 products
- Citrus6363 products
- Fruiting Vines2323 products
- Tropical Fruit5353 products
- Herbs126126 products
- Native Bush Foods1919 products
- Nuts1818 products
- Vegetables212212 products
- Grasses, Cordylines & Flaxes253253 products
- Grasses175175 products
- Small Grasses (Up to 30cm)3737 products
- Medium Grasses (30cm to 1m)6363 products
- Tall Grasses (over 1m)1010 products
- Flowering Grasses8686 products
- Cordyline4747 products
- Flax (Phormium)2626 products
- Yucca33 products
- Grasses175175 products
- uncategorized577577 products
- Hedging & Screening Plants912912 products
- Box Hedging1818 products
- Low Hedge (up to 1m)7171 products
- Medium Hedge (1-3m)451451 products
- Tall Hedge (3m plus)256256 products
- Pleached Hedging112112 products
- Screening Trees235235 products
- Tall & Narrow Screening6666 products
- Wind & Sound Screening5757 products
- Indoor Plants275275 products
- Climbing & Trailing Indoors5050 products
- Indoor Ferns4141 products
- Indoor Palms1212 products
- Low Light Indoors5151 products
- Indoor Cacti & Succulents1818 products
- Natives & Indigenous11291129 products
- Native Screening6666 products
- Bush Tucker3434 products
- Cottage Style Natives205205 products
- Natives Climbers3131 products
- Native Grasses121121 products
- Native Groundcovers117117 products
- Small Native Hedge (up to 1m)126126 products
- Large Native Hedge (1m plus)242242 products
- Small Native Shrub (up to 1m)178178 products
- Medium Native Shrub (1m+)355355 products
- Gums, Eucalyptus & Corymbia7676 products
- Grafted Gums1111 products
- Small Native Tree (up to 4m)7979 products
- Medium Native Tree (4m - 10m)113113 products
- Large Native Tree (10m+)4747 products
- Not Quite Natives121121 products
- Roses16631663 products
- Carpet & Groundcover Roses55 products
- Bush Roses544544 products
- Climbing Roses133133 products
- Standard Roses585585 products
- Standard Weeping Roses4545 products
- Standards and Topiary Plants356356 products
- Espalier9191 products
- Standards102102 products
- Weeping Standards88 products
- Topiary3737 products
- Seasonal7171 products
- Succulents & Cacti176176 products
- Aloe & Agave3737 products
- Cacti66 products
- Hanging Basket Succulents2727 products
- Pots & Planters99 products
- Succulents3636 products
- Trees12721272 products
- Small Trees (up to 4m)489489 products
- Medium Trees (4m - 10m)265265 products
- Large Trees (10m+)168168 products
- Feature Trees586586 products
- Flowering Trees489489 products
- Weeping Trees8888 products
- Weeping Japanese Maples8484 products
- Upright Japanese Maples3535 products
- Grafted Weeping Trees1515 products
- Evergreen Trees446446 products
- Deciduous Trees651651 products
- Ornamental Pear Trees1313 products
- Tropical & Exotic327327 products
- Bamboo2424 products
- Outdoor Ferns4646 products
- Outdoor Palms1414 products
- Borders & Edging14061406 products
- Garden Supplies772772 products
- Mulch55 products
- Fertiliser & Soil Improvers3838 products
- Garden Tools & Accessories2323 products
- Pots695695 products
- Clear Saucers & Floor Protectors1212 products
- Earthenware Plant Pots7373 products
- Glazed Plant Pots124124 products
- Lightweight Plant Pots345345 products
- Plastic Plant Pots5050 products
- Terracotta Plant Pots9494 products
- Soil & Planting Mix1616 products
- Gifts44 products
- Packages55 products
- Seconds & Surplus127127 products