Top 10 Tips for creating a Modern Garden
Smooth, sleek and contemporary is a top contender for the most coveted gardens style in Chris’ Free Garden Design service. This style can be adapted…
Plants as an Investment Property Tax Deduction
If you own an investment, rental or any income producing property in Australia, plants purchased as “replacement” for existing plants can be used as a…
Top 10 Native Plants for Native Gardens
Creating a native garden seems simple enough until you come face to face with the hundreds of weird and wonderful natives available on the market.…
Top 10 Low Maintenance Plants
It’s hard to keep the gardening looking wonderful All. The. Time. We all watch those garden shows and dream of having such an inviting garden…
Last Minute Gift Ideas for Mother’s Day
We all know how much mum loves her plants (I mean who doesn’t!), so getting her a little plant baby to show her how much…
Weeping Cherries!
It’s hard to surpass the beauty of a weeping cherry. The weeping cherry tree, Prunus pendula, is an ornamental that has been cultivated in Japan…
May in the Garden 2023!
Let the cold weather begin! May brings the first frosts, cold nights and a blaze of Autumn colour and leaf fall from our deciduous trees…
Why do leaves change colour in autumn and fall off?
Autumn is a spectacular time of the year. Trees across Melbourne turn fluorescent yellows, oranges and reds, giving us one last big splash of colour…
Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ – dying or dormancy?
These Cottage classics are a toughy (like most succulents are) and will grow in most conditions bar super soggy soils. Their soft pink petals deepen…